Saturday, July 30, 2016

How to take great photos

Hi! This is Mami Sue.

I had a profile photo shoot with photographer Mance Thompson :)

He's sooooo awesome!!!

He will teach you how to take great photos ;)

If you're interested, please contact him on instagram or Facebook.

「スマホで簡単に、綺麗な料理写真を撮ろう! 〜岩茶と点心を楽しむ気軽な写真教室〜 最近SNS(Instagram、Twitter、Facebookなど)で料理の写真を公開している人が増えています。貴方もお洒落なレストランに行った時や、美味しいランチを食べた時に、もっと素敵な写真を撮りたいと思いませんか? 「美味しそうに撮るための5つのコツをお伝えします!このコツさえ覚えればびっくりするほど上手に写真が撮れます。」 美味しい点心と中国茶を味わいながら、プロのカメラマンが写真を撮る角度、照明、加工のノウハウなどをお伝えします。スマホや携帯電話、デジカメでもっと美しく撮るコツだけでなく、おすすめアプリの使い方やSNSにシェアして沢山「いいね!」をもらう秘訣を伝授します。 講師プロフィール マンス・トンプソン 写真家「CAMERAMANCE(カメラマンス)」の屋号で6年前から活動中。 グルメ、ファッション、音楽、報道写真などをメインに新聞、雑誌(朝日新聞、Japan Times、Billboard、Bangkok Postなど)に掲載。 東京を拠点に海外でも個展を開くなど、多方面で活動している。 日時: 2016年7月31日 午前11時〜13時30分 参加費: 4,000円 定員: 15名 メニュー:中国茶2種類、点心、デザート ※普段お使いのスマートフォン、カメラ付き携帯電話、デジタルカメラをご持参ください。 お申し込みは岩茶房にお願い致します。 Tel&Fax: 03-3714-7425
A photo posted by Mance Thompson (@cameramance_work) on

Have a beautiful weekend❤️

Be happy:)

Mami Sue

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

NAP Hollywood Debut Project Audition

Hello this is Mami Sue :)

I participated in NAP Hollywood Debut Project Promotional Video Shooting☆

She's the producer of this project, she's a very talented lovely lady.
I love her and respect her both as a person and as an actress!!!

He's one of the greatest actors I've worked with.
Last year we were in a film together, and the film won Special Festival Mention at a film festival in India.
He's so talented!!! I'm so blessed to have had an opportunity to work with such a wonderful actor like him!

I've been to take so many acting workshops, but NAP's workshop is off the chain!!!

Honestly, there're no other workshops that I can learn and gain so much like when I take NAP's acting classes.

Erick Ferman's coaching is just incredible!!! I mean it!!!

Plus, now they are partnered with Ivana Chubbuck Studio certified acting coach Kaz Ittetsu Takahashi :D

I was actually personally reading Ivana's book last year, I feel so lucky that now life brought me here to meet Kaz through Erick and actually learn from him!

I love their great personality and great energy :)

Not only I learn and gain as an actress, but also I really enjoy great time with them.

They have Hollywood Debut Project Audition on July 23rd and the 24th.

I respect what they are doing, and I truly believe in them.

Not because I just know them, but I really think it's worth it, so I just wanted to share this with you guys.

You can go to NAP's website for more info

Mami Sue

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Each one of us has the Power to Make Things Better. Step by step, to the Next Stage

Hello this is Mami Sue :)

Today is Election Day!

I think it's important to go to vote.

Each one of us has the power to make the society better.

Each of us can do what we can do.

May my county be peaceful and be filled with love❤️

By the way, we finished all the shows of "The Ducks Variations"

All the shows were full house!!!

Thank you so much to the director Andy, all the talented casts, and all the people who came to see the play.

also, Thank you for celebrating my birthday☆

Thank you for all the birthday messages and comments ;)

It was a wonderful experience with wonderful people!

I learned so much.

I'm so glad I did it :)

I'm feeling so grateful❤️

After we've done all the shows, I went to Asahi, Chiba to refresh myself.

The nature and ocean cleansed my energy.

I feel recharged :)

Step by step, to the next stage,

walking on my path,

living my life, living now,

feeling gratitude and love❤️

Hope you have a blessed day/night☆

Mami Sue

Free Acting WorkShop × Tacos Party × Film MIDORI HOUSE Trailer

日本語はこちら← Hey guys :) This is Mami Sue☆ Film "MIDORI HOUSE" --- I've wrote about it in my previous blog post The movie...