Hi this is Mami Sue(^^)❤️
We had a screening of the film I'm in "SADAKO's cranes" in Tokyo.
This is the director of the movie, Rena Masuyama❤️
She's also an artist (painter), and she is a candidate for Upper House election.
I respect her so much for her great personality---she's full of love---, and I'm always impressed by her amazing ability to take action!
The movie shows the real videos of Hiroshima and Okinawa in World War 2, and also the real films of what's going on in middle east nowadays.
But it's not to criticise the sad facts, it's to spread the message of children hoping for world peace.
So the film is showing things from innocent children's perspective.
There're still wars, fights, and hunger in the world, and the earth is being destroyed.
It's sad but it's fact.
It's so sad to look at it, but we have to see it and it's time to think about what's really important and valuable.
People, animals, nature...all the lives are priceless and precious.
Each of us has the right to be happy.
I'm really really wishing everybody happiness.
I met him at the screening, Mr. Nikki Matsumoto.
He's a CEO of Japan Communication International, and Executive committee chairman of NPO Earth Caravan, he's also an artist.
With his help, they had screenings of "SADAKO's cranes" in Palestine.
I also met Mr. Yu Inoue.
He's a poet.
His book became No.1 on Amazon!!!
I can't wait to read it when I get home xD
I feel so blessed to have opportunities to meet amazing people:)
Our hope, wish and prayers are powerful.
Hope makes us take action, and eventually our actions will make our destiny.
One person may not make it so quickly, but if a lot of people get together, we have the power to make miracles happen, I believe so!
What each of us do means so much, even though it's a little thing.
I hope many people all over the world watch this film, and I hope our hearts connected by sharing the hope to make peaceful world.
All is love❤️
All we need is love❤️
All we need is love❤️
I got so much respect and gratitude for all the people who took a part in the movie and all the people who support to make it.
I believe our love will make constructive change.
"SADAKO's Paper Cranes ~connect the world~
#パレスチナ でも #国立劇場 など3ヵ所で、映画「サダコの鶴~地球をつなぐ~」が上映されるそうです http://ameblo.jp/mamisue-acting/entry-12081215125.htmlThey'll have...
Posted by Mami Sue on Sunday, October 11, 2015
The film is about a story of Sadako Sasaki, well known though a story of thousand paper cranes.
She was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped.
If you don't know about her, here's wikipedia Sadako Sasaki
This girl plays little Sadako, and I play grown Sadako.
In the movie, Sadako is brought back to life today, and meets a boy who is from Fukushima, where nuclear plants are, and was devastated by 311 earthquake.
They travel around the world and see how important it is to achieve world peace.
It shows what's really important in life and what we need to change.
I'm very happy to be a part of it because it has great messages.
I dedicated my heart to play the role in this movie, hoping for peaceful world.
Mami Sue
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