Monday, October 12, 2015

Magical words "Thank You" Happy Healthy Life❤️

I'm addicted to adlay grains and broccoli sprouts xD

Physical health is as important as mental health to live happily, and what you eat is essential.

You being happy is not just for yourself, for your family and people around you, because if you get sick, you'll make your loved ones worry and unhappy.

My friend who knows well about traditional Chinese herbal medicine told me adlay is very good.

It has lots of protein and minerals, has diuretic effect and antitumor effect.

I usually eat it with dried fruits, nuts and yogurt or soy milk.

I ordered adlay on amazon.


My cat loves the amazon box lol

I also love eating broccoli sprouts recently.

I put them on everything :)

The pic above is fried soy chicken that I made.

Happy Vegetarian Life yay xD♬

I think the most important thing is eat with gratitude❤️

I've heard that the words "Thank you" is magical.

When I drink water, I say "Thank you" to water.

When I'm bathing, I say "Thank you" to every part of my body.

When I say "Thank you", I feel good, peaceful, and happy.

Find things you can be grateful for as many as possible.

You'll feel that your life is more blessed than you thought.

Hope you have a beautiful day/night with love and peace.


"SADAKO's Paper Cranes ~connect the world~

#パレスチナ でも #国立劇場 など3ヵ所で、映画「サダコの鶴~地球をつなぐ~」が上映されるそうです'll have...
Posted by Mami Sue on Sunday, October 11, 2015

The film is about a story of Sadako Sasaki, well known though a story of thousand paper cranes.

She was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped.

If you don't know about her, here's wikipedia Sadako Sasaki

This girl plays little Sadako, and I play grown Sadako.

In the movie, Sadako is brought back to life today, and meets a boy who is from Fukushima, where nuclear plants are, and was devastated by 311 earthquake.
They travel around the world and see how important it is to achieve world peace.

It shows what's really important in life and what we need to change.
I'm very happy to be a part of it because it has great messages.

I dedicated my heart to play the role in this movie, hoping for peaceful world.

Mami Sue

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fall - Artistic season - great time for reading and eating


Hi guys :)

In Japan, we say "Fall is the best season for ART and ENTERTAINMENT".

They'll have screenings of the film I got a role in "SADAKO's cranes" in Palestine.
11月はサダコの鶴 パレスチナでの上映があります!国立劇場など3カ所で上映する予定です。アラビア語版がんばらないとだ!(汗)今回のツアーをアレンジしてくださっているニッキー・マツモトさんとパレスチナ国在日パレスチナ常在総代表部の ...
Posted by Rena Masuyama on Tuesday, September 29, 2015

It's on Norwegian news paper too.
ノルウェーの新聞でも 映画 サダコの鶴 特集【安保法制成立おかしいんじゃない?と思ってる人全員集合・シェアお願い】 今週金曜日 大阪にてサダコの鶴 上映ゲストは増山麗奈監督×志葉玲さん  来てくれた方全員に DVD「派兵の真実」プ...
Posted by Rena Masuyama on Monday, September 21, 2015

I really respect the Director Rena's hard work!

We also say "Fall is the best season or READING"

I'm reading a book on Kindle.

I'm reading Ivana Chubbuck's "The Power Of The Actor"

We also say "Fall is the best season for EATING" :D

Salad I make often lately.

Avocado, Tomato, Basil, Peanuts, Cheese, Broccoli Sprouts, Spinach, Baby Leaves with Basil dressing.

Happy Vegetarian life xD Yay♬

And, I painted my nails with autumn colors☆

Purple - color of grapes

Orange - color of Halloween

Yellow - color of Autumn leaves

☆Self-polished Nails☆

Thank you for visiting and reading my blog❤️

Hope you have a blessed day with fine mind, body and spirit ;)

And enjoy the best fall season!


"SADAKO's Paper Cranes ~connect the world~

#パレスチナ でも #国立劇場 など3ヵ所で、映画「サダコの鶴~地球をつなぐ~」が上映されるそうです'll have...
Posted by Mami Sue on Sunday, October 11, 2015

The film is about a story of Sadako Sasaki, well known though a story of thousand paper cranes.

She was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped.

If you don't know about her, here's wikipedia Sadako Sasaki

This girl plays little Sadako, and I play grown Sadako.

In the movie, Sadako is brought back to life today, and meets a boy who is from Fukushima, where nuclear plants are, and was devastated by 311 earthquake.
They travel around the world and see how important it is to achieve world peace.

It shows what's really important in life and what we need to change.
I'm very happy to be a part of it because it has great messages.

I dedicated my heart to play the role in this movie, hoping for peaceful world.

Mami Sue

Friday, October 2, 2015

Modeled for Live Body Painting Show


My favourite artist Chiki and hiroyo's Music&Art Event☆

I modelled for their body painting show.

Hiroyo(Piano & Vo.) was the one who played the piano at Mishima's Modern Noh Play

She also composed all the music in the play.

She's great!!!

She emailed me just 4 days before the event, asked me to be a model for their live music + painting show.

And she said, after she promoted the event with my picture and announced that they'll have a live painting show, she got more ticket reservations.

I was very happy to hear that :)

but I think it's because she's amazing and she's loved!

Chiki painted on my body while Hiroyo and her band was playing good music♬

Chiki's talent to create beautiful art is so impressive!

The messages she sent me made me really happy :)

She said her page got more viewers after she posted my picture.

She said "Your entity is very effective!"

I'm so glad to hear that xD

but I think it wouldn't have happened without Chiki's talent and creative amazing art!

What I'm drinking in the pic above is a original special cocktail they made just for the event.

The audience enjoyed listening(Music), watching(Painting), and tasting(Drinks)!

I think it was an amazing collaboration!!!

They were all so kind :)

Thank you so much for lovely fun time❤️

Hope your day is blessed with love and peace❤️


"SADAKO's Paper Cranes ~connect the world~

原爆で被爆し、白血病で亡くなった折り鶴の少女サダコが現代に蘇り、福島の少年と平和や戦争を考える旅に出る映画 「サダコの鶴〜地球をつなぐ〜」関西初上映会【日時】8月30日(日)【時間】開場12:30/開演13:00【場所】シアターセブン (最寄り 十三駅)【料金】当日一般1,500円/中・高1,000円/小学生以下700円前売予約・シアターセブン会員1,300円【映画出演】 りあん 幸希 佐々木祐滋 佐々木雅弘 Jun Amanto  志葉玲 マミ・スー山本太郎 ジリ・ヴァンソン 近藤智美 辻元清美 福島みずほ 志位和夫 安倍晋三  本田尚子 【8月30日トーク出演】 増山麗奈監督 志葉玲 本田尚子 ローレンツォ・マッサ#mamisue #prayforpeace #actress #film #movie #peace #WorldPeace #Hiroshima #映画 #女優 #広島 #原爆ドーム #平和 #世界平和 #screening #上映 #japan #japanese #予告編 #ビデオ #ilovemylife #原爆の子の像 #thankful #grateful #平和記念公園 #peacememorialpark #peacememorial #千羽鶴 #折り鶴
Posted by Mami Sue on Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The film is about a story of Sadako Sasaki, well known though a story of thousand paper cranes.

She was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped.

If you don't know about her, here's wikipedia Sadako Sasaki

This girl plays little Sadako, and I play grown Sadako.

In the movie, Sadako is brought back to life today, and meets a boy who is from Fukushima, where nuclear plants are, and was devastated by 311 earthquake.
They travel around the world and see how important it is to achieve world peace.

It shows what's really important in life and what we need to change.
I'm very happy to be a part of it because it has great messages.

I dedicated my heart to play the role in this movie, hoping for peaceful world.

Mami Sue

Free Acting WorkShop × Tacos Party × Film MIDORI HOUSE Trailer

日本語はこちら← Hey guys :) This is Mami Sue☆ Film "MIDORI HOUSE" --- I've wrote about it in my previous blog post The movie...